Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009, Ultrasound

Ashley had another long ultrasound this morning and the news is good. Both babies are growing like crazy and everything looks as it should.

Garnett is still the presenting baby, head down on Ashley's left and his little butt on her right. Avery is still transverse over Garnett, with her head on Ashley's left.

Garnett's estimated weight is 6 lbs. 6 oz., which puts him in the 86th percentile (for singletons). "The estimated fetal weight remains in the normal range but with evidence that interval growth has been borderline greater than expected since 03/24/2009".*

Avery's estimated weight is 4 lbs. 12 oz., putting her in the 11th percentile (for singletons). "The estimated fetal weight was less than the 10th percentile on 03/24/2009 and is now in the lower range of normal with evidence that interval growth has been somewhat greater than expected since 03/24/2009".*

The differential is now 25% between the two, but our doctors are not worried since Avery is holding her own and is growing at an appropriate rate.

* Preliminary Report from Obstetrix Seattle Ultrasound Associates, 04/10/09

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