Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 1 Class

Last night was our next to last class. The instuctor set out life-size baby dolls and the men were instructed to hold them for the duration of the three hour class to, you know, get a feel for twins. I had one androgynous white doll and one androgynous black doll, so I pretended I was Madonna and found myself wishing things with Guy Ritchie had worked out.

The main topic of the night was feeding and all its components; latching, rooting, hunger cues, etc. It brought back a lot of memories of Charlotte, who was a great little eater.

We watched a movie about breastfeeding. Imagine a bunch of guys holding dolls watching a movie featuring naked female breasts. And they wonder why men have so many conflicting emotions around pregnancy and childbirth!

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