Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ultrasound, March 24, 2009

We had another through ultrasound this morning followed by a visit to Dr. Levine, our OB. Everything looks good except for the differential in the babies' weights; 21%. The doctors don't like to see a differential larger than 20%.

In any case, Garnett weighs about 4 pounds 12 ounces (73rd procentile) and Avery weighs about 3 pounds and 11 ounces (8th procentile). So we have a robust boy and a petite girl at this point. They both had plenty of amniotic fluid surrounding them and the bloodflow through both umbilicals was strong and consistent, so the doctors are not too concerned.

Everything else looks good; strong hearts, big bellies, and beautiful bones and heads.

Garnett is still head-down and in position to be first born and Avery moves from transverse to breech and back again. Garnett's feet are in Avery's face most of the time.

The twins were camera-shy this morning so we don't have good pictures for this update.

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