Friday, July 24, 2009

July 4, 2009.

At Jacob Bale's wedding in Spokane, Washington on July 4, 2009. Yes, it was hot.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ashley took the twins to the pediatrician yesterday for their two-month check up and the first round of vaccinations (which scare the hell out of me). The kids did great, although Avery slept through the night for the first time out of pure exhaustion.

Garnett now weighs 13+ pounds and Avery weighs 9+ pounds. Garnett has grown out of most of his infant clothes and now wears size 3-6 months and has gone up two diaper sizes. Avery has gone up one diaper size.

Our doctor said that Garnett is verbalizing on a 4-6 month old's level, and he's just 2 1/2 months old.

We are currently interviewing nannies and we think we have found the one we want. Hopefully we will finalize the employment contract by Monday.